Initial Free Offering
This approach is highly experimental.
“Tokens sold during an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) are usually backed by a service which pretends to guarantee that the token will increase its value. Against this claim, many recent ICOs have demonstrated that the declared value of a token is irrelevant for the market.
Having seen this, the thesis that 0xNIL wants to verify is:
Token's prices are arbitrary and depend on a perception of their value which has little to do with their declared value.
During the Initial Free Offering (IFO), those who send 0 ether to the contract address will receive some amount of NIL in exchange. To obtain more NIL, just send 0 ether again, and so on until the per-wallet limit is reached. This is an experiment and nobody can know if the NIL will be eventually traded. But if yes, any future earning will be a 100% gain.”
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